Friday, May 30, 2008
Conferencia Ignaciana at Mount Manresa
Eighty-one enthusiastic participants gathered for the Conferencia Ignaciana, to share, discuss and envision ways in which Ignatian spirituality is and can be exercised in the Hispanic community. The organizers, Fr. Jack Fagan, SJ, Mr. Rudy Vargas of the Northeast Pastoral Institute and board member of The Jesuit Collaborative, Sr. Veronica Mendez of Renew International and Fr. Bill Rickle of the Institute had hoped for fifty participants!
Prayer rituals, workshops (talleres), plenary sessions and focus groups combined with a beautiful setting, gracious retreat house staff and convivencia in the evenings to provide an enriching weekend for all of us. Although the primary target group was people working in Ignatian spirituality and the Hispanic community on the East Coast, participants came from other areas such as Detroit, MI; Milwaukee, WI and California.
This first ever event was such a blessing and boost for our spirits! We look forward to the future with confidence that the relationships established and the experiences shared will continue to grow. You can see a powerpoint set of pictures of the event posted on the IMCM web site by CLICKING HERE
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Our Mexican Mission: A New Hampshire Parish helps a Mexican Village
By Lee Alphen
A New Hampshire Parish helps a Mexican Village
The blogs describing Posada are very enlightening. Thank you so much. We typically travel to the little village we adopted south of
In the late nineties Lucas, his wife Yarezmin, his father Arnulfo and cousin Eleazar came to
Shirley, a wonderful Spanish woman from St Joseph Parish in
A few years later several of us were celebrating in a local restaurant and Lucas invited me to his village to visit his family and his church. Feeling like real missionary, I jumped at the opportunity and made my first trip in October, 2001.
Sitting in his parent’s house conversing with his sisters in my broken Spanish I began to tell them how their father and brother spent so much time at our Chapel. They attended Mass, prayed the Rosary, attended English classes, and our bi-weekly Free Supper. They were so in awe. Then I told them how Lucas, his wife and their Father all received Jesus in Holy Communion. Finally I remembered I had some Spanish booklets on How to Make Your First Holy Communion. Immediately they began to study.
Two months later Lucas brought his sisters to the next county to Christmas
From the beginning I wanted to solve the water problem. The village had no water during the dry season, February – June. It is not possible to build an economy without water. It is not possible to earn even a meager living without water. Crops, animals and even industry require water. Because there is no water, since there is no way to earn a living to support ones family, just about every family in this village has someone here in the states earning money to send home. Some were here legally, most illegally. I was determined to find a better way for these good sisters and brothers.
After several years of negotiations, planning, and fundraising, in August of 2006, Living Water International, a non-profit organization from
Our Pastor, Fr John Michaelowski, SJ is very supportive of our mission. Parishioners Ann Halloran and Peter Klecan help with the fundraising and collect supplies. They even give up family time before Christmas to join me on our annual pilgrimage.
We continue to help the church, one of the local schools and to work at building an economy. This year we raised money for sheep and goats for some of the families and a copy machine for the school. American Airlines gives us permission to bring six 50 pound bags each. Bibles, missalettes, statues, rosary beads, sewing machines, fabric, notions, yarn, knitting needles, personal care items, and soccer balls will excite the people of Colonia Benito Juarez this year.
It is now February 2008. We had a fantastic trip to our Mexican village in December. The people were most grateful for everything.
One day we were invited to a celebration at the school where the children acted out some traditional Mexican skits and dances. They were fantastic and the costumes they made were superb.
Later the entire village gathered around the well. It was very moving to hear the people thank God for the gift of water. Following an outline suggested by Jack Fagan, everyone had an opportunity to participate in blessing the well with the water. They were all very happy when we hung a crucifix behind the well. Imagine, we hung a crucifix on public property and everyone was happy.
Saturday we visited two chapel where we had never been before. The people gathered to pray with us and insisted on sharing refreshments with us afterwards. Each chapel has a volunteer who coordinates everything. At the 2nd chapel I taught the volunteer to use the misalettes I brought to lead the Liturgy of the Word on the Sundays the Priest does not come. They only have Mass every other month. The entire community returned at 7:00 Sunday morning for a service so the volunteer could practice.
We taught the women to use the sewing machines. One woman had experience with a treadle machine so we put her in charge of the sewing project. They were all delighted with the hundreds of pounds of fabric and sewing notions we brought. The knitting lessons did not go as well and we ran out of time. I guess we will follow up on that next year.
The trip to the sheep farm was fun. Lucas bought two sheep while we were there. He now has 13 and is expecting 6 babies next month.
I spoke with Lucas last week and he said everyone was very happy. The whole village got together and each family contributed one dollar. They gave the money to the Priest and scheduled three Sunday Masses for all of the people here who helped them. Lucas said they wanted to let us know how much they appreciate all we do and they want to be right with God.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Paul Brant sends good news from Four Oaks, NC
Pastor Joey Yow and several members of the Four Oaks United Methodist Church joined our Four Oaks Hispanic congregation for the Palm Sunday procession from the Elementary School down Main Street (see photo) to the Church last Sunday. On Monday, the Administrative Council, after a very positive evaluation, renewed our covenant and we will have use of the Church sanctuary Sunday afternoons through December, 2008. Thanks to the folks who prayed the Novena of Grace of St Francis Xavier, our patron. We were heard!
In the name of all our members, and in my own, we send Easter greetings and prayers for you all.
Paul Brant, sj
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Dr. Hosffman Ospino de Boston College: Hacia una nueva generación de líderes hispanos para el servicio de Dios y la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos
An English version of this entry is just below.
Uno de los retos más grandes que enfrentan los hispanos como comunidad en los Estados Unidos es la educación de un cuerpo adecuado de líderes que guíen el camino hacia el crecimiento y una participación plena en nuestra sociedad. Lo mismo podemos decir de los hispanos en la Iglesia. Mientras que el número de hispanos se aproxima al 50% del total de la población católica en el país, el número de clero hispano, mujeres y hombres consagrados y laicos en posiciones de liderazgo todavía es muy bajo.
Hace tres años el Instituto de Educación Religiosa y Ministerio Pastoral (IREPM) de Boston College asumió la responsabilidad de evaluar la realidad del liderazgo ministerial entre los hispanos en la Iglesia y se propuso explorar nuevas iniciativas. El IREPM ya tenía una concentración en pastoral hispana dentro de su maestría en teología pastoral, pero no muchos candidatos se animaron a ser parte del programa porque los estudiantes tenían que adelantar sus estudios en dos partes distintas del país. En el 2005 reorganizamos nuestra maestría de tal manera que nuestros estudiantes en pastoral hispana pudieran cumplir todos los requisitos académicos y pastorales en el área de Boston. También creamos un certificado de postgrado en pastoral hispana para estudiantes que ya tienen una maestría en teología o pastoral, o sólo un título de pregrado y todavía no están listos para comprometerse con una maestría, o líderes hispanos con la riqueza de muchos años de experiencia pero que todavía no han terminado sus estudios de pregrado.
La experiencia ha sido un éxito y una bendición. En estos tres años hemos dado la bienvenida a cerca de 30 estudiantes de todas partes de Nueva Inglaterra y otros estados como California, New York, Virginia y Texas. La mayoría de nuestros estudiantes son mujeres y hombres laicos comprometidos con el trabajo pastoral en comunidades y organizaciones sirviendo a los hispanos católicos alrededor del país. El número de sacerdotes y mujeres y hombres consagrados es considerable, lo cual crea una verdadera experiencia de colaboración con sus hermanos y hermanos laicos en el salón de clase. Los estudiantes pueden estudiar medio tiempo o tiempo completo; pueden avanzar sus estudios durante el verano o durante el año académico. Estos programas de postgrado siguen creciendo con el apoyo de la comunidad de Boston College como una verdadera expresión de compromiso jesuita hacia la excelencia. En verdad dicho compromiso se hace bastante evidente en las becas generosas que ofrecemos a cualquier estudiante en nuestros programas de pastoral hispana: ¡Becas entre el 70% y 100%!
Ahora que el IREPM se prepara para unirse con Weston Jesuit School of Theology este verano 2008 y así dar origen a la nueva Escuela de Teología y Pastoral de Boston College, todas las personas involucradas en el proceso han expresado su sincero deseo de apoyar la formación de líderes eclesiales, hispanos y no hispanos, para trabajar en comunidades católicas que sirven a los latinos/as en los Estados Unidos. Unidos al cuerpo docente e investigativo de renombre mundial en teología y pastoral que caracteriza a Boston College y Weston, algunos de los mejores profesores hispanos han sido invitados a ser parte de BC. Los estudiantes que se preparan en nuestros programas de pastoral para servir en comunidades hispanas se benefician no solo de los mejores recursos financieros para adelantar su educación, sino que también de las mejores investigaciones, pedagogías y sistemas de apoyo. ¡Definitivamente una experiencia que vale la pena considerar!
Si usted o alguien que conoce está interesado(a) en adelantar estudios de postgrado en pastoral con énfasis en pastoral hispana, o cualquier líder latino/a sirviendo en la Iglesia que quiera prepararse mejor para servir pastoralmente, por favor comparta esta información sobre estas oportunidades. Puede encontrar más información sobre los programas de postgrado en pastoral hispana en Boston College en la siguiente página electrónica:
También puede contactarme a la información al final de este artículo. ¡Venga y lo verá!
Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D.
Theology and Education
Hispanic Ministry Programs
Dr Hosffman Ospino from Boston College: Preparing a New Generation of Hispanic Leaders for the Service of God and the Church in the United States
Three years ago The Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry (IREPM) at
The experience has been a success and a blessing. In these three years we have enrolled nearly 30 students from all parts of New England and other states such as
Now that the IREPM readies itself to come together with Weston Jesuit School of Theology this summer 2008 and thus give birth to the new School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College, everyone involved in the process has expressed their sincere support to the formation of Church leaders, Hispanic and non-Hispanic, to work with Latino/a Catholic communities in the United States. Along with the world-known faculty in theology and ministry that characterizes
If you or someone you know is interested in graduate studies in ministry with emphasis on Hispanic Ministry or any Latino/a leader serving in the Church who wants to prepare better for ministry, please make them aware about these opportunities. More information about
You may also contact me at the information below. Come and see!
Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D.
Theology and Education
Hispanic Ministry Programs
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Ignatian Family Teach-In on Immigration, Los Angeles, CA
Friday, March 7, 2008
Fr. Bavinger: Lenten Activities and Thoughts
Howdy, everyone.
Wanted to share a couple of things about our Lenten journey here in
We called the retreat, “Peregrinación al Corazón.” It took place in church for about two and half hours, and it was for couples, adults and jóvenes. Childcare is such a challenge, we decided to have the retreat just for adults, and to hold it during the Saturday morning First Communion and Conformation classes, so that a lot of the kids would be busy in their classes. That did not solve the problem for people with children who are not in those programs, though. It also bumped the teachers of the classes, who would very much have liked to be there. With all that, there were 22 on the retreat, plus a three-year-old whom a grandmother brought. (Who could turn her away?!!)
We used an idea that Bill Ameche gave me, that of structuring the retreat around the idea of a pilgrimage. We had three stations or holy places in the church to which we journeyed: one was “A mi propio corazón,” another, “Al corazón de María,” and finally “Al corazón de Jesús.” Each had an altarcito. The first presentation went about fifteen minutes while the pilgrims were sitting in the pews of one area of the church. We then had a silence of five to ten minutes, with the opportunity to reflect and pray, perhaps use the questions in the cuadernos we assembled, and finally a brief time of sharing graces, thoughts, feelings. After a concluding prayer, we got up, began a song, and followed the next presenter on a “journey” to the second station, and after that visit, a journey to the third station. We ended the retreat with a Benediction service.
I did the first presentation. It was glad for the chance to speak about the three voices in the human heart: the voice of God, the voice of evil, and one’s own voice, and some of our basic general rules for discernment ( was a great resource, suggested by Bill Rickle). The above picture is the poster I had on my altarcito during the presentation. I made it online with pictures from
I had asked three layfolks from the community to help me give the retreat, a woman and two men. They each gave a presentation—on Mary’s heart and on Jesus’ heart, and then a homily during the service of Benediction. Following some sandwiches and sodas at the church entrance area, the team met briefly and shared impressions, which were very positive. We thought the movement and singing between stations was a good dynamic. Not so good was that we got some, but not a lot, of exchange during the “sharing of grace” periods at the end of our time at each station, and so I’m looking at whether that was due to the pilgrimage format, or it being the large group rather than small groups, etc.
I would welcome any comments. And thanks to Bill Ameche for the pilgrimage idea!
The other piece on our Lenten journey, in
I spoke the following week, picking up on Paul’s talk with three types of prayer: the examen of consciousness (which, after my presenting the parts of the examen, we did all in gestures); a guided meditation on “The Samaritan Woman,” which I slowly read over the microphone, beginning with John 4, but about half-way through, taking us into an imagined dialogue between Jesus and the woman. Our last type of prayer was a sacred song put to gestures. I taught the gestures that I had composed for “Bienaventurados” (on the Flor y Canto cd). We stood, played the cd, practicing the gestures once, and then went through two more times where I encouraged them to make it into a prayer. When the song ended, there was wild applause! (Have you ever applauded God following your prayer?!!)
I think that both of these activities, the retreat, and the Friday night sessions, are being well received, and I am satisfied enough to repeat them in future labors, perhaps improved or changed in some ways. I keep being challenged, though, by a beautiful comment that was made recently by a Columbian priest, at our meeting of Raleigh priests in Hispanic ministry—which Bill Rickle spoke at and then moderated the excellent discussion that followed. The Columbian priest said that in his speaking to the people in his parish (usually with homilies), he was never quite sure that he was getting through to them, to where they really lived, to where it made a difference. I’m keeping that in mind as I think about these situations that involve people listening to presentations. I guess the “getting through” is the challenge of working in God’s vineyard, and it’ll always be with us.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Hispanic Ministry Meeting in Raleigh, NC
After the presentation. There was a lively discussion among the participants Re: questions of the challenges of multicultural parishes, the need to sensitize the public about the opportunities as well as the challenges presented by his new Hispanic presence in North Carolina.
Pics available at
Monday, February 25, 2008
Fr. Ameche Reflects From North Carolina
Hi again from Western North Carolina. As you all know too well, Ash Wednesday and Lent have arrived with such unexpected speed. We just finished all of the Christmas activities in the parishes, and we had to begin planning for Lent.
What is new? Several things.
First, I would like to mention a remarkable meeting that we had on February 7 at St. Eugene’s Parish. It was a clergy meeting for all the Christian ministers in the area -and some of their collaborators- to talk about how we can support the Hispanics in our region. The group that organized the event (And Antonio was one of them) helped us grow in consciousness of where we stand as individual persons and also where our church institution stands with respect to the present situation of immigrants.
I was very moved by the African-American ministers who were there. They have had experiences of fear so similar to what the Hispanics are now going through. All the African-Americans present at the meeting seemed to speak from a very peaceful place within themselves. There was no judgment nor anger nor resentment. They talked so matter of factly -and clearly- about compassion. As I said, I was very moved by them, and I took the first step to put myself in contact with them. I felt “called” by God -a very strong pull- to learn more from them, to experience their culture and spirituality. I have never really lived or worked with African-Americans before (except for a few days in a parish in California). This might seem strange to all out here in the South and on the East Coast, but I have lived my whole life basically in Mexico, Los Angeles and Phoenix.
Other events that I would like to mention have been the activities for Lent:
Antonio has continued to empower the Hispanic youth with an activity that they have invented: the “Vigils” (las Vigilias). These are all-nighters. They start at 7 PM and they finish around 6 AM the next day. While all the parts of the Vigils are done by the youth, the attendance is for families. They are very creative in how they bring everyone to reflect and pray about the issues that the Hispanic families are actually facing. And, on the other hand, the Vigils present a very meaningful and joyful time for the youth to get together. I went to the first part of the first Lenten Vigil and the youth from at least some 5 parishes were giddy just saying Hi! to one another.
Another activity has been the “Peregrinacion” (the Pilgrimage) which is focused especially in married couples. The Pilgrimage has three parts (one every 2 weeks in Lent and each one lasting only 2 hours). There is -of course- child care so that the parents can attend. The first stage of the Pilgrimage was called: “Walking to the Place of the Miracle”, the second is called: “Walking to the Forgiveness that Heals” and the third is called: “Walking to the Holy Table”. These 3 stages are an adaptation of the First Week of the Spiritual Exercises. We start out with songs and prayer, prayer-sharing, then walking and singing (men go one way, and women another); then a talk by laymen and women, followed by sharing and reflecting in group; then more walking and singing to another place and another talk with reflection groups; then everyone comes together walking and singing into the church for the last prayer (contemplation), sharing, and the final moment with the symbol of the particular stage of the Pilgrimage. I have to admit that it was great to see these laymen and women sharing their experiences and promoting a reflection with all those participating. So far so good. This might become some kind of “model” for adapting our spirituality in a very simple and popular form.
Another activity was a meeting with the Directors of Religious Education of the 9 parishes of the Vicariate. They were having difficulties with working with the Hispanic catechists. The meeting was “Spirit-filled” and their attitude was not only changed, but also a real desire to work with the Hispanics was born. This was a major moment in the process of Hispanic Ministry here in the region. The directors were very moved by an Hispanic catechist who works in the trailer camps. They realized that they had to be more missionary and to empower the Hispanics to reach out to their own community. They also became very much at peace as they realized that the integration between the two cultures is a process, a slow process, and that they were very capable of asking both groups to work together to solve whatever problem or situation that could arise. I have to admit that they are a great group of Directors, and it is a blessing to work with them.
Well, that should be all for now. I’ll bring you up to date after Holy Week.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Bill Rickle reports on Weekend Retreat for Hispanic Leaders
From Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon, twenty-one Hispanic leaders from North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland made a silent weekend Ignatian retreat under the care of a team composed of Dr. Dora Tobar Cobo, and Frs. Cristián Sotomayor, SJ (of Chile), Frank Kaminski, SJ and me. It was held at the Loyola Retreat House in Faulkner, MD, beautifully set on the bank of the Potomac. For many, but not all, this was their first silent retreat. Participation in the retreat is by invitation, based on the recommendation of diocesan or parish officials who know them.
This is the third year we have offered this retreat, leading the participants in the early part of the Spiritual Exercises. The enthusiasm and goodness of the retreatants, combined with their generosity in entering into a deeper examination of their relationship with God and themselves, always seem to lead to an incredibly enriching experience for them, and for their directors, or acompañates.
This program offered by the Institute in collaboration with the Retreat House staff, is part of what we hope to be a series of graduated retreats to help Hispanic ministry leaders grow in their spiritual lives so they can be more effective, fruitful and happy in their service to the community.
Dr. Tobar, a theologian from Colombia who trained in Rome is truly the heart and soul of the program, having put in untold hours of work on the presentations (points for prayer) , prayer services and rituals which speak so powerfully to the young adults and helps prepare them for hours of silent prayer and reflection. We owe her a great debt of gratitude.
Bill Rickle, SJ
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Padre San Martin: Las Coloridas Celebraciones de Fin de Año en la Comunidad Hispana
El final del año para
La representación de la aparición de la Virgen al Indiecito Juan Diego es uno de los momentos estelares de
Las “celebraciones guadalupanas” preparan gozosamente el camino para las Fiestas de Navidad que comienzan pocos días más tarde. Estas celebraciones empiezan nueve días antes del Nacimiento del Salvador con las “posadas”, cuando cada noche en diversas casas de la comunidad se revive la llegada de María y José a Belén pidiendo “posada”. La “liturgia” de la Posada es siempre
La Posada es una excelente manera de preparar la Navidad porque crea la atmósfera de devoción, solidaridad y alegría cristiana.
Llegada por fin la Noche de Navidad, la última posada se hace a la puerta de la Iglesia y todos entran a celebrar
La celebración, sin embargo, no termina aquí, sino que continúa en las casas en donde familiares y amigos se reúnen “para mecer y arrullar al Niño Jesús”. Todos los presentes por turnos arrullan al pequeño Niño cuya estatua es colocada en una manta, mientras todos cantan “duerme, niñito, duerme”, hasta que por fin… el “niño se duerme”. En ese momento se le coloca en un cestito adornado con chocolates que pasa por todos los asistentes. Cada uno le da un beso al Niño Jesús y toma a cambio un chocolate. Luego, el Papá y Mamá de la casa colocan al Niño en el pesebre y en este momento, todos “sin hacer ruido para que no se despierte” pasan a saborear la Cena de Noche Buena con los regalos.
Hermosas costumbres estas de la piedad popular que ayudan a vivir de una manera muy sencilla uno de los más profundos misterios del amor de Dios por el hombre: la encarnación del Hijo de Dios, que fue enviado a salvar el mundo, y que nació en el seno de una doncella de Nazareth,
Con un abrazo muy cordial
Javier San Martín S.J.
Fr. San Martin: The End of the Year Colorful Hispanic Community Celebrations
The end of the year for the Hispanic Community is full of lights, color and Latin American flavor. The first lights begin to illuminate the scenario of the Latin Community in the opening days of the month of December when the curtains up to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of
The retelling drama of the appearance of the Virgin the
The “guadalupanas celebrations” joyfully prepare the way for the Christmas feasts, which will commence few days later. These celebrations begin nine days before the Savior's Birth with the “inns” (posadas) when every night in different homes in the community is reenacted the arrival of
The “posada” liturgy is an excellent way to prepare for Christmas because it creates an atmosphere of devotion, solidarity and Christian happiness.
On the Christmas Night, the last inn take place, at the door of the Church, and everyone enters into to celebrate the "Midnight Mass". In that moment, there is a single feeling in the hearts of the whole community: "Welcome, Oh Jesus, welcome to our world, to our community, to our home, to our problems...” themes taken up in the Homily. With the conclusion of Mass ends, there follows adoration to the Child Jesus, accompanied by dancers followed by all the faithful in procession to venerate the Child Jesus with a kiss.
The celebration, however, does not end here. It continues in the houses where families and friends get together “to rock the baby
Beautiful customs of popular piety help us live in a very simple way one of the most profound mysteries of the love of a God for man: the incarnation of His Son, who was sent to save the world, and of the Virgin Mary who gave birth to a son, God with us.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Three Kings find their way to Richmond!
More of my pictures can be viewed at
Happy New Year!
Bill Rickle, SJ