Thursday, March 20, 2008

Paul Brant sends good news from Four Oaks, NC

Pastor Joey Yow and several members of the Four Oaks United Methodist Church joined our Four Oaks Hispanic congregation for the Palm Sunday procession from the Elementary School down Main Street (see photo) to the Church last Sunday. On Monday, the Administrative Council, after a very positive evaluation, renewed our covenant and we will have use of the Church sanctuary Sunday afternoons through December, 2008. Thanks to the folks who prayed the Novena of Grace of St Francis Xavier, our patron. We were heard!

In the name of all our members, and in my own, we send Easter greetings and prayers for you all.

Paul Brant, sj

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dr. Hosffman Ospino de Boston College: Hacia una nueva generación de líderes hispanos para el servicio de Dios y la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos

An English version of this entry is just below.

Uno de los retos más grandes que enfrentan los hispanos como comunidad en los Estados Unidos es la educación de un cuerpo adecuado de líderes que guíen el camino hacia el crecimiento y una participación plena en nuestra sociedad. Lo mismo podemos decir de los hispanos en la Iglesia. Mientras que el número de hispanos se aproxima al 50% del total de la población católica en el país, el número de clero hispano, mujeres y hombres consagrados y laicos en posiciones de liderazgo todavía es muy bajo.

Hace tres años el Instituto de Educación Religiosa y Ministerio Pastoral (IREPM) de Boston College asumió la responsabilidad de evaluar la realidad del liderazgo ministerial entre los hispanos en la Iglesia y se propuso explorar nuevas iniciativas. El IREPM ya tenía una concentración en pastoral hispana dentro de su maestría en teología pastoral, pero no muchos candidatos se animaron a ser parte del programa porque los estudiantes tenían que adelantar sus estudios en dos partes distintas del país. En el 2005 reorganizamos nuestra maestría de tal manera que nuestros estudiantes en pastoral hispana pudieran cumplir todos los requisitos académicos y pastorales en el área de Boston. También creamos un certificado de postgrado en pastoral hispana para estudiantes que ya tienen una maestría en teología o pastoral, o sólo un título de pregrado y todavía no están listos para comprometerse con una maestría, o líderes hispanos con la riqueza de muchos años de experiencia pero que todavía no han terminado sus estudios de pregrado.

La experiencia ha sido un éxito y una bendición. En estos tres años hemos dado la bienvenida a cerca de 30 estudiantes de todas partes de Nueva Inglaterra y otros estados como California, New York, Virginia y Texas. La mayoría de nuestros estudiantes son mujeres y hombres laicos comprometidos con el trabajo pastoral en comunidades y organizaciones sirviendo a los hispanos católicos alrededor del país. El número de sacerdotes y mujeres y hombres consagrados es considerable, lo cual crea una verdadera experiencia de colaboración con sus hermanos y hermanos laicos en el salón de clase. Los estudiantes pueden estudiar medio tiempo o tiempo completo; pueden avanzar sus estudios durante el verano o durante el año académico. Estos programas de postgrado siguen creciendo con el apoyo de la comunidad de Boston College como una verdadera expresión de compromiso jesuita hacia la excelencia. En verdad dicho compromiso se hace bastante evidente en las becas generosas que ofrecemos a cualquier estudiante en nuestros programas de pastoral hispana: ¡Becas entre el 70% y 100%!

Ahora que el IREPM se prepara para unirse con Weston Jesuit School of Theology este verano 2008 y así dar origen a la nueva Escuela de Teología y Pastoral de Boston College, todas las personas involucradas en el proceso han expresado su sincero deseo de apoyar la formación de líderes eclesiales, hispanos y no hispanos, para trabajar en comunidades católicas que sirven a los latinos/as en los Estados Unidos. Unidos al cuerpo docente e investigativo de renombre mundial en teología y pastoral que caracteriza a Boston College y Weston, algunos de los mejores profesores hispanos han sido invitados a ser parte de BC. Los estudiantes que se preparan en nuestros programas de pastoral para servir en comunidades hispanas se benefician no solo de los mejores recursos financieros para adelantar su educación, sino que también de las mejores investigaciones, pedagogías y sistemas de apoyo. ¡Definitivamente una experiencia que vale la pena considerar!

Si usted o alguien que conoce está interesado(a) en adelantar estudios de postgrado en pastoral con énfasis en pastoral hispana, o cualquier líder latino/a sirviendo en la Iglesia que quiera prepararse mejor para servir pastoralmente, por favor comparta esta información sobre estas oportunidades. Puede encontrar más información sobre los programas de postgrado en pastoral hispana en Boston College en la siguiente página electrónica:

También puede contactarme a la información al final de este artículo. ¡Venga y lo verá!

Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D.

Theology and Education

Hispanic Ministry Programs


Boston College


Dr Hosffman Ospino from Boston College: Preparing a New Generation of Hispanic Leaders for the Service of God and the Church in the United States

One of the biggest challenges that Hispanics face as a community in the United States is that of educating an adequate body of leaders to lead the path to growth and full participation in our society. The same is true of Hispanics in the Church. While the number of Hispanic Catholics nears 50% of the total Catholic population in the country, the number of Hispanic clergy, consecrated women and men, and lay people in positions of leadership remains very low.

Three years ago The Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry (IREPM) at Boston College took on the responsibility of assessing the reality of ministerial leadership among Hispanics in the Church and thus proceeded to explore some new initiatives. The IREPM already had a concentration in Hispanic Ministry within its MA in Pastoral Ministry, but because students had to advance their studies in two different parts of the country the program did not attract many candidates. In 2005 we reorganized our Master’s program so our students in Hispanic Ministry could meet all their academic and pastoral requirements in the Boston area. We also created a graduate certificate in Hispanic ministry for students who already have a Master’s degree in ministry, or just a bachelor’s degree and are not yet ready to commit to graduate studies, or Hispanic leaders with a wealth of years of experience but who have not finished their undergraduate education.

The experience has been a success and a blessing. In these three years we have enrolled nearly 30 students from all parts of New England and other states such as California, New York, Virginia, and Texas. Most of our students are Hispanic lay women and men who are committed to Ministry in Hispanic faith communities and organizations around the country. The number of clergy and consecrated women and men is quite strong, creating a true experience of collaboration with their lay sisters and brothers in the classroom. Students can join the programs full-time or part-time; enroll as summer or academic-year students. These graduate programs continue to grow with the support of the Boston College community as a true expression of Jesuit commitment to excellence. Indeed, such commitment is evident in the generous scholarships that we offer to any student in our Hispanic Ministry programs: 70% to 100% tuition remission!

Now that the IREPM readies itself to come together with Weston Jesuit School of Theology this summer 2008 and thus give birth to the new School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College, everyone involved in the process has expressed their sincere support to the formation of Church leaders, Hispanic and non-Hispanic, to work with Latino/a Catholic communities in the United States. Along with the world-known faculty in theology and ministry that characterizes Boston College and Weston, some of the best Hispanic Catholic scholars have been invited to join BC. Our students preparing for ministry with Hispanic faith communities benefit not only from the best financial resources possible for their education, but also from the best scholarship, pedagogies, and support. Definitely an experience worth considering!

If you or someone you know is interested in graduate studies in ministry with emphasis on Hispanic Ministry or any Latino/a leader serving in the Church who wants to prepare better for ministry, please make them aware about these opportunities. More information about Boston College’s graduate programs in Hispanic Ministry at

You may also contact me at the information below. Come and see!

Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D.

Theology and Education

Hispanic Ministry Programs


Boston College


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ignatian Family Teach-In on Immigration, Los Angeles, CA

At the Ignatian Solidarity Network Family Teach-in on Immigration, held March 7-9 at Loyola High School, Los Angeles, Bill Rickle, SJ, gave the opening address on “Why should be care? Demographics, History, and Patterns of Migration and Immigration.” Nearly 500 students, leaders, parish members, JVC members and gathered for education, reflection and sharing on immigration. Maryland Province schools participating included Loyola College in Maryland, Wheeling Jesuit University, and Georgetown Prep. More information at .

Friday, March 7, 2008

Fr. Bavinger: Lenten Activities and Thoughts

Howdy, everyone.

Wanted to share a couple of things about our Lenten journey here in Wilson and Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

We called the retreat, “Peregrinación al Corazón.” It took place in church for about two and half hours, and it was for couples, adults and jóvenes. Childcare is such a challenge, we decided to have the retreat just for adults, and to hold it during the Saturday morning First Communion and Conformation classes, so that a lot of the kids would be busy in their classes. That did not solve the problem for people with children who are not in those programs, though. It also bumped the teachers of the classes, who would very much have liked to be there. With all that, there were 22 on the retreat, plus a three-year-old whom a grandmother brought. (Who could turn her away?!!)

We used an idea that Bill Ameche gave me, that of structuring the retreat around the idea of a pilgrimage. We had three stations or holy places in the church to which we journeyed: one was “A mi propio corazón,” another, “Al corazón de María,” and finally “Al corazón de Jesús.” Each had an altarcito. The first presentation went about fifteen minutes while the pilgrims were sitting in the pews of one area of the church. We then had a silence of five to ten minutes, with the opportunity to reflect and pray, perhaps use the questions in the cuadernos we assembled, and finally a brief time of sharing graces, thoughts, feelings. After a concluding prayer, we got up, began a song, and followed the next presenter on a “journey” to the second station, and after that visit, a journey to the third station. We ended the retreat with a Benediction service.

I did the first presentation. It was glad for the chance to speak about the three voices in the human heart: the voice of God, the voice of evil, and one’s own voice, and some of our basic general rules for discernment ( was a great resource, suggested by Bill Rickle). The above picture is the poster I had on my altarcito during the presentation. I made it online with pictures from

I had asked three layfolks from the community to help me give the retreat, a woman and two men. They each gave a presentation—on Mary’s heart and on Jesus’ heart, and then a homily during the service of Benediction. Following some sandwiches and sodas at the church entrance area, the team met briefly and shared impressions, which were very positive. We thought the movement and singing between stations was a good dynamic. Not so good was that we got some, but not a lot, of exchange during the “sharing of grace” periods at the end of our time at each station, and so I’m looking at whether that was due to the pilgrimage format, or it being the large group rather than small groups, etc.

I would welcome any comments. And thanks to Bill Ameche for the pilgrimage idea!

The other piece on our Lenten journey, in Wilson, is on five Friday evenings in Lent when we gather a good number of people in the gym for a Lenten “teaching.” followed by a meal. Our first speaker was Paul Brant, SJ, who made the hour’s drive from Newton Grove to present some prayer exercises to the people, largely taken from Anthony De Mello’s work. The reaction was very positive, and Paul spoke of praying with the body and without words, as an alternative form of prayer (but not to displace “el rosario”!) Even the children, of all ages, were well-behaved, and many were definitely listening and doing the “open hands—feeling the presence of God—listening to the silence” exercises along with Paul.

I spoke the following week, picking up on Paul’s talk with three types of prayer: the examen of consciousness (which, after my presenting the parts of the examen, we did all in gestures); a guided meditation on “The Samaritan Woman,” which I slowly read over the microphone, beginning with John 4, but about half-way through, taking us into an imagined dialogue between Jesus and the woman. Our last type of prayer was a sacred song put to gestures. I taught the gestures that I had composed for “Bienaventurados” (on the Flor y Canto cd). We stood, played the cd, practicing the gestures once, and then went through two more times where I encouraged them to make it into a prayer. When the song ended, there was wild applause! (Have you ever applauded God following your prayer?!!)

I think that both of these activities, the retreat, and the Friday night sessions, are being well received, and I am satisfied enough to repeat them in future labors, perhaps improved or changed in some ways. I keep being challenged, though, by a beautiful comment that was made recently by a Columbian priest, at our meeting of Raleigh priests in Hispanic ministry—which Bill Rickle spoke at and then moderated the excellent discussion that followed. The Columbian priest said that in his speaking to the people in his parish (usually with homilies), he was never quite sure that he was getting through to them, to where they really lived, to where it made a difference. I’m keeping that in mind as I think about these situations that involve people listening to presentations. I guess the “getting through” is the challenge of working in God’s vineyard, and it’ll always be with us.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hispanic Ministry Meeting in Raleigh, NC

On February 20, Father Bill Rickle gave a presentation to priests who are working in Hispanic Ministry of the diocese of Raleigh. He described the work that Jesuits and their colleagues are doing in the area of Hispanic Ministry, widely understood. In collaboration with partners in Central America, Mexico, the US, and Canada Jesuits of the Maryland province are participating in a multidimensional approach to Ministry with and among migrants throughout the hemisphere. This includes pastoral accompaniment, research and education, and advocacy on behalf of the rights of migrants regardless of their legal status. There were some 20 priests present, including father, David Brockman, the vicar general of the diocese. Jesuits present at the meeting were fathers Fran Gillespie, Paul Brant, Bruce Bavinger, and Bob Wiesenbaugh.

After the presentation. There was a lively discussion among the participants Re: questions of the challenges of multicultural parishes, the need to sensitize the public about the opportunities as well as the challenges presented by his new Hispanic presence in North Carolina.

Pics available at