Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bolivian Jesuit Provincial superior visits us.

Father Ramón Alaix, S.J., Provincial of Bolivia, visited the United States for the week of 11-18 May. Bill Rickle met him at Fairfield University at Fairfield, CT and accompanied him for a day trip to New York City, where he met with New York Provincial Fr. Jeff Chojnacki, S.J. They also visited with Fr. Jack Fagan, S.J. to see the Centro Altagracia and the work that Jack and his co-workers are doing in the Washington Heights section of upper Manhattan with the Dominicano community there. They are pictured above with the George Washington bridge in the background. (Jack on the left, Ramón on the right.)
Bill and Ramón then went on to visit Philadelphia where they met with St. Joseph's University president Fr. Tim Lannon, S.J., and other university persons associated with the Universities cooperative program with the Fe y Alegría schools in Bolivia. They also visited with Fr. Mark Horak, S.J., pastor of Old St. Joseph´s Church in the historic Society Hill section of the city. A visit to Zeke´s Deli and DiBruno House of Cheese in the Italian Market completed the Philadelphia experience.
Then to Baltimore, where they were participants in the International Ministries Commission of the Maryland Province meeting, also attended by Fr. James Kalapura, S.J., Provincial of Jamshedpur Province, India, and Fr. John Henry, S.J., who was visiting from his work in Chile. Other Baltimore activities included a visit to Our Lady of Pompei church in Highlandtown, where they were hosted for almuerzo and engaging conversation about evangelization and leadership formation by the community of Matto Grosso movement volunteers.
Of course, there was a visit and work session at the Institute office to discuss future collaboration between the Bolivian and the Maryland provinces.
Bill will visit the Bolivian Province in late June, where many of the US conversations will be continued.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Institute at the Conference of Province Advancement and Communications Directors

From 30 April to 2 May, the Directors of Advancement and Communications of the ten U.S. Jesuit Provinces and the Province of English Canada met at the Hampton Inn Suites, Inner Harbor Baltimore. Bill Rickle had the opportunity to make a 15 minute presentation on the origins, present activities and hopes for the Institute.

Response was enthusiastically positive and encouraging. Several participants urged that the Institute be called the Jesuit Institute on Migration, Culture and Ministry, and that it go national as soon as possible.