Saturday, April 28, 2007

New Latin American and Latino Studies Minor at Loyola College

Loyola College in Maryland will inaugurate a new interdisciplinary minor program in Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) program in the fall of 2007 semester. Bill Rickle is on the steering committee of the program. He will offer a course in the Sociology of Migration in the U.S., which will be accredited to the program, provided students do projects focuse on the LALS area. More information at

Monday, April 23, 2007

Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Leader Retreat, Sparks, MD

On April 21-22, 2007 some 15 Spanish speaking youth and young adult leaders met for a weekend of prayer, reflection, rest and bonding among themselves at the Msgr. O'Dyer Retreat House in Sparks, MD. Led by Ms. Georgina Vaca, of the Youth and Young Adult Department of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and Fr. Charles McDonnell, C.S.S.R., and me, they had the opportunity to learn a number of prayer forms and styles which could help them grow in their own spiritual lives, as well as share with their parish groups.This is one more important step in the process of helping provide these leaders with tools and skills for their own use, and to help others grow in familiarity and friendship with God.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Welcome to the Blog of the Institute on Migration, Culture and Ministry. The Institute is a project of Jesuits and our colleagues in ministry dedicated to working with new immigrant as well as receiving communities in the Catholic Church on the East Coast.

While the office is located at Loyola College in Maryland, we hope that this will be a space where our many partners and friends can tell our stories of ministry, share ideas, best practices, and encourage one another in our ministry.

Do stop by often, and post your pictures and reflections on ministry with and on behalf of migrants.

Thank you!

Bill Rickle, S.J.